We have received reports of scammers calling and impersonating credit union staff. These individuals are using scare tactics such as debit card fraud and requesting private banking information like account numbers and online login credentials. As a reminder the credit union will never call and request this information. If you receive a suspicious call do not give any information, please hang up and call the credit union to verify. Due to the volume of scams calls increasing within the banking industry, we are cautioning our members to be extra vigilant when sharing information.
CTFFCU is excited to announce the expansion of our charter’s membership eligibility to all of Connecticut’s Firefighter’s. Your credit union has been honored to serve Hartford’s Firefighter’s since 1950 and is looking forward to the development of new relationships in our surrounding towns and throughout Connecticut. We are confident that this opportunity to grow our membership will only further support the credit union in it’s mission to provide financial services to local firefighter’s current or retired and their families.
CTFFCU continues to value the support of all it's members.
Bank how and when you want to. Whether you're at home, at work or on the road, access your CTFFCU accounts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Use Online Banking to check balances and transactions, pay bills, transfer funds, and more!
Whenever you go, take us along on the ride. Our mobile app lets you do it all, including making a deposit to your account. It's free, safe, easy to use, and convenient.
Available to members with an CTFFCU Checking Account. Person to Person (P2P) payments give you the ability to move money to an account for friends and family with a savings or checking account in the United States. You can send payments via text message or email, as long as you know the phone number or email address for the person you're paying.